Del Medical

Del Medical

Del Medical — X-Ray Machines and Digital Imaging Equipment

Southwest X-Ray specializes in providing quality digital imaging and x-ray machines at affordable prices. One of the more popular brands that we sell is Del Medical, is a leading source of innovative radiography products with over 80 years in the medical imaging business.

Del Medical is primarily engaged in the design, manufacture, and distribution of high performance digital medical imaging systems, which are sold and serviced through a global network of authorized and factory-trained dealers, including Southwest X-Ray.

The company’s extensive selection of configurations and accessories is designed to support hospitals, imaging centers, and clinics by tailoring systems to accommodate each facility’s size, requirements, and budget.

Contact Southwest X-Ray Directly to Discuss Del Medical Products

Your purchase of any Del Medical products will take place with the guidance and care of your dedicated Southwest X-Ray sales representative.

Though you may browse available products here, we want to ensure you get personalized service that takes into account the unique needs of your business and your patients or clients — that can only happen with the advice and direction of one of our digital imaging experts.

Click the button to contact us today — we’ll put you in touch with one of our sales representatives who specializes in Del Medical products right away.

Available Del Medical Products

Southwest X-Ray sells a variety of Del Medical products, including the following (Click on each link to view the brochure):

Ready to discuss your needs? Contact Us Now

Del Medical Products In Action

Watch these videos to get a closer look at some of Del Medical’s top products: