
A woman using a digital radiographic plate — there are a few differences between plates.

Digital Radiography Detectors — What You Need to Know

Digital radiography detectors are X-ray capture devices developed to replace the film and chemical development processors used by conventional analog X-ray technology. Digital radiography technology provides a number of advantages, such as the following: Increased speed Superior image quality Immediate image acquisition Option for immediate retakes as needed All of these advantages combine to produce…
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A detailed image of the insides of a digital radiography plate — upgrading to digital radiography is now easier than ever

Upgrading to Digital Radiography — Now Is the Time

When digital radiography hit the scene a little over a decade ago, it promised a lot of upside when compared to conventional analog X-ray technology. There were certainly a lot of benefits to going digital, including: Increased safety through reduced radiation Superior X-ray image enhancement Enhanced X-ray image quality Reduction of required storage Elimination of…
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A digital imaging plate on a table — digital radiography has many advantages over CR

The Advantages of Digital Radiography (DR)

Digital radiography (DR) is a modern method of obtaining X-ray images that uses digital electronic sensors and a digital capturing device in place of traditional photographic film. This allows X-ray images to be obtained almost instantly. The processing speed of DR that allows radiology technicians to produce an image for immediate review is its greatest…
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Carestream CBCT X-ray machine for 3D extremity images on a brown background with add copy saying quality, convenience, confidence.

CBCT Means Better On-Site Patient Care

Let’s discuss what the new advances in CBCT (Cone Beam Computed Tomography) and POC-CT (Point-of-Care Computed Tomography) could mean for your orthopedic or chiropractic practice. Health care providers who work with patients suffering from injuries or severe discomfort often feel discouraged when they are forced to refer a patient in pain to another facility for…
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Konica Straight Arm X-ray machine pictured against a white background.

U-Arm and Straight-Arm X-ray Machines — Solutions to Limited Space

Let’s talk about how digital radiography, U-arm, and straight arm digital X-ray machines could radically increase your ability to provide superior in-house services to your patients. As a medical provider, you undoubtedly place a high priority on providing the widest range of the highest quality care possible to your patients, right then, right there, on…
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